Agile development seems to be the ‘in’ thing for software development firms today. Everyone has their daily standup meeting, scrum masters, sprints, and so forth. But does it really bring any true value to software development? I don’t think so. In fact, I have taken to calling it fragile development. Why would I say that about such a beloved idea? Because my experience is that it creates horrible software. Sprint after sprint, developers work to output code often without knowing the big picture. Day after day, short-sighted development goals are pushed so you get enough points done and complete everything for the sprint. Managers now have even more ability to micromanage since everything has to be done at the end of the sprint and everyone has to report in with their daily progress. Time is wasted in meeting after meeting that brings little if any actual value to the team. What does all this mean? It means that developers are always under the gun to output code quickly so it’s done for this sprint. This causes developers to take the short path instead of analyzing things more thoroughly since such analysis would take more than the allotted points and may push things off schedule. Developers are never able to try new things because failure is not an option — points must get done and software must be pushed. Software engineers never have an opportunity to practice engineering skills or architect larger systems because everything is broken down into bite-sized pieces without any real worry about how it all fits together. To make it worse, important technological changes and refactoring get pushed to the bottom of the list since they do not have an immediately visible benefit for the organization. In the end, developers never grow or develop, code stagnates, and poor software becomes the norm. Sprint after sprint turns into a death march for features, bugs never get fixed (unless they bring immediate business value), and the expertise of senior developers is ignored in favor of short-sighted business objectives. If you want quality software, leave engineers do what they do, give them the latitude to make the necessary decisions to create the product you want. Qualified engineers are more than capable of creating awesome software — why hinder them?
“Time Saving” Frameworks
Over the course of my career, I have seen all kinds of advancements in programming — some of them good, others bad. Today, there seems to be a trend to use all kinds of frameworks, design patterns, and technologies in an effort to save time. Unfortunately, what seems to save time in the short term often causes trouble long term. I must start out by saying that I’m not suggesting that all frameworks and technologies are a bad thing. For example, using an MVC approach for developing web applications is an excellent idea as responsibilities are cleanly separated between the HTML, the business logic, and the data access code. This works very well and improves maintainability of code. However, other frameworks are less valuable to me. For example, the popular lombok package allows Java developers to create data classes without manually creating the getters and setters for fields. This sounds like a great time saver as you can avoid writing code! But here’s the problem — it’s often useful to be able to find where variables are set, and you simply can’t do that if the setter doesn’t exist until compile time. Furthermore, this package saves little time since Eclipse has the option to generate (real) getters and setters already. Why is this package needed? I don’t believe it brings any value — just another technology for the sake of technology. In Android code, I see all kinds of frameworks being used. Unfortunately, most of them only obfuscate the code. While there is value in the MVP model, many Android activities are too small to really gain much from this model and the excessive number of interfaces begins to be a drag on development. Speaking of interfaces, they are probably the most overused design pattern. Again, I have to start out by saying that I absolutely love interfaces. Properly used they are one of the most valuable features of Java. Unfortunately, when everything becomes an interface and you need dependency injection to create the objects things start to complicated — often without any real benefit. Interfaces allow us to plan for the future — to admit up front that other implementations may be needed later. But in many cases this is simply never going to happen. Database code should certainly be written using interfaces wherever possible because it is not only reasonable but indeed likely that the project will — at some point during its lifetime — use a different database. Other things may make sense for interfaces too such as code for credit card processing, sending messages, etc. Ask yourself — is there a reasonable expectation that we will have multiple ways to do this? If the answer is no, why are you using an interface? Again, I have no problem with these technologies. But for me, my first choice will always be to use the simplest stock Java code I can and only move on to more complex frameworks when necessary. My code footprint is smaller, code is easier to maintain, and new developers can more easily move into developing or supporting frameworks with fewer complex patterns and technologies.
What Does Expert Mean?
I started tinkering with computer programming twenty years ago. It started pretty simple with learning HTML, then I moved on to learn C, then C++, and Java. Along the way, I picked up numerous other languages. For the last 17 years, writing software has been my profession. I consider myself an expert programmer, particularly in Java. But what does expert mean? I see resumes of people who have 3 or 4 years of experience and claim to be an expert in Java. Is that possible? Unfortunately, I think the IT world has cheapened the idea of being an expert to a point where it is meaningless. In the competitive market for software developers, individuals market themselves as an expert so they can acquire the most lucrative job opportunities. Does this really hurt anyone? Yes, it really does. Companies have self-proclaimed experts write their software. Then, when that worker’s contract is done, or another more exciting project comes up, that expert jumps ship. Now, the company is left to maintain that code. And this is usually the point where the business finds out that the ‘expert’ they hired wasn’t an expert at all. Expertise in computer programming means an ability to analyze the problem and come up with a solution that is maintainable and stable. But all too often, we find ‘experts’ writing code that nobody wants to maintain because it is convoluted, poorly documented, fails to comply with style and naming conventions, and buggy. We find database schemas that are bloated and make no sense. We see poor project hierarchy and little object decomposition. In short, we see garbage code. When you hire a programmer, don’t let them fool you — if they’ve only been writing code for a few years, they’re not an expert.
The Importance of Engineering
During my career, I have encountered projects that were well written and those that were not. Often times, the poorly written projects were farmed out to development firms in under-developed parts of the world such as India or Pakistan. What is it that makes code poorly written? For me, the most important aspect of well written code is maintainability. No other metric is as easily correlated to long-term revenue and cost as maintainability. Code written today should be able to be quickly modified in the future when bugs are found, when requirements change, or when new features are desired. How can this be accomplished? First, projects need to be logically laid out. Code packaging schemes are necessary to easily navigate large projects. Throwing everything in a single folder will ensure that future developers have a more difficult time finding code they are looking for. Second, files and classes must be named logically — otherwise, every file becomes ‘mystery meat’ that is only identifiable when it’s opened. Third, classes should broken up appropriately. I have worked with projects were there was only a single data access object for the entire schema. Monolithic files such as this are substantially more difficult to navigate, and they can also cause problems with source control if multiple developers are trying to edit different parts of the file. Fourth, consistent style should be followed and whitespace should be cleaned up. Following code with different styles, or with 10 lines of whitespace in the middle is more difficult. Imaging reading a paragraph in a book where the author decided to add 10 extra blank lines — code is no different, it is intended to be read. Fifth, properly breaking out functions is imperative. Too often I have seen code were, for example, the code to send an email was entirely replicated over and over again instead of placed in a single function. When email standards change (for example, changes to security) or when the tools you use to send email change (such as switching from SMTP to a REST based service such as MailGun), you can be sure that the time taken with a poorly engineered codebase will be longer and that you are more likely to have a greater number of bugs. These are some of the biggest issues I typically encounter in project after project and they cause a significant problem to businesses. Unfortunately, the customer is often unaware of how poorly the code is written. When they hire someone else to maintain the code, they wonder why it takes so long to update or why there are so many bugs. They falsely believe the new developer is less competent and attribute the problems to him or her. Long term, time-to-market suffers, customer confidence is diminished from bugs, and business opportunities are missed because of wasted time. When you hire developers — particularly when they are outsourced — it is imperative to ensure that they are writing good code. Ask to see code samples before hiring, perform frequent code-reviews with them, and specify coding standards they must follow. If you don’t, the money you save by using offshore resources will be lost during the course of maintaining the application.
Technology Toolbox
One of the biggest problems I see among practitioners of the tech arts is the square peg — round hole problem. Too many developers, for example, will use only one language to solve every problem they encounter. I am a Java expert — there isn’t anything I can’t write a Java program to do. However, there are things for which Java just isn’t well suited. A few years back, I needed a program to download several hundred thousand audio files. As a Java guru, my first thought was how I would solve this problem in Java. Since the server used REST services, I would need to either include REST client libraries or write my own client software. I would need to iterate through the hundreds of thousands of record numbers to download. And, of course, I would need to keep track of state, distribute across numerous servers, parallelize the process, and deal with recovery should the program crash. All of these things end up creating a rather large code base in Java that would have also required substantial testing. Then it occurred to me, why not use a shell script? I can output the audio file id numbers into a text file and split into chunks using the split command. I can use curl as the rest client. Then, I can just have multiple windows open and assign each running instance a chunk of the original list. The solution involved almost no code, the individual pieces are production ready, and recovery would just mean reprocessing the incomplete files. This is just one example, but this problem happens every day in the tech world — developers resorting to the single tool in their toolbox to solve a problem when far better solutions can be crafted with far more ease using a different tool. Ultimately, while I know every programmer will have a language they are most competent in, I believe everyone should have skills in a variety of other tools so they don’t end up wasting time crafting solutions for which their tools aren’t well suited.