Productivity Gains through Aliases & Scripts

For users of Mac or Linux-based machines, aliases and scripts can create some of the most valuable tools for increased productivity. Even if you run a Windows machine, there is a strong possibility that some machines you interact with – such as AWS – utilize a Linux-based framework.

So, what are aliases and scripts? Scripts are files that contain a sequence of instructions needed to perform a complex procedure. I often create scripts to deploy software applications to development server or to execute complex software builds. Aliases are much shorter, single line commands that are typically placed in a system startup file such as the .bash_profile file on MacOS.

Below are some of the aliases I use. Since Mac doesn’t have an hd command (like Linux), I have aliased it to call hexdump -C. Additionally, Mac has no command for rot13 – a very old command to perform a Caesar cipher which I have aliased to use tr.

Since I spend a lot of time on the command prompt, I have crated a variety of aliases to shortcut directory navigation including a variety of up command to move me up the directory hierarchy (particularly useful in a large build structure) and a command to take me to the root folder of a git project.

Finally, I have a command to show me the last file created or downloaded. This can be particularly useful, for example, to view the last created file I can simply execute cat `lastfile`.

alias hd='hexdump -C'
alias df='df -h'
alias rot13="tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'"
alias up='cd ..'
alias up2='cd ../..'
alias up3='cd ../../..'
alias up4='cd ../../../..'
alias up5='cd ../../../../..'
alias up6='cd ../../../../../..'
alias root='cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`'
alias lastfile="ls -t | head -1"

One common script I use is bigdir. This script will show me the size of all folders in my current directory. This can help me locate folders taking up significant space on my computer.

IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")

for file in `ls`
        if [ -d "$file" ]
                du -hs "$file" 2> /dev/null

Another script I use helps me find a text string within the files of a folder.

IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")

if [ $# -ne 1 ]
        echo Call is: `basename $0` string
        for file in `find . -type f | cut -c3-`
                count=`cat "$file" | grep -i $1 | wc -l`
                if [ $count -gt 0 ]
                        echo "******"$file"******"
                        cat "$file" | grep -i $1

These are just a few examples of ways to use scripts and aliases to improve your productivity. Do you have a favorite script or alias? Share it below!

Tech Tip: Google Alerts


Google is responsible for innumerable software tools and applications. Chrome, Android, the Pixel, GoogleFi, and Gmail are just a few. But there’s a particularly useful tool that few people seem to know much about – Google Alerts.

Google Alerts is a service where Google will email you with new results for a desired search string. This has a few particularly useful applications for business and security.

First, entering your name as well as any common variations (Tom vs Thomas) can be useful for identity monitoring. Every time something comes up with your name, you’ll be notified. Quoted in the paper? Named in a lawsuit? Listed as next of kin in an obituary? If your name is associated with new content, you’ll be notified.

Second, entering your company name is great way to keep track of anybody mentioning your business. Even better, enter the names of your competitors so that you can keep track of any news releases associated with them as well! Of course, you can also use Google Alerts to get new information on your favorite musician, actor, or any other subject of interest to you.

While not as exciting (or as well known) as many of Google’s products, Google Alerts is an excellent tool to keep track of your digital footprint, keep up to date on your competitors, or stay abreast of the things that matter most to you.

Simple Text Search


I often need to search a directory of code for instances of a specific word. I like tools that I can use from the command line so that I can execute them from an SSH session across the network. Here’s how I do it.


IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")

if [ $# -ne 1 ]
        echo Call is: `basename $0` string
        for file in `find . -type f | cut -c3-`
                count=`cat "$file" | grep -i $1 | wc -l`
                if [ $count -gt 0 ]
                        echo "******"$file"******"
                        cat "$file" | grep -i $1

Line Counting


A common metric used in software development is lines of code. While it’s not always a useful metric, it’s sometimes nice to know just how large a project is. I have a script I use to count lines of code in a folder. It will iterate through a variety of common file extensions and count all lines of code excluding blank lines. It’s written using sh, so it works on Unix, Linux, or MacOS, and should work on Windows if you have the Bash subsystem installed.


# add additional extensions here
extensions=(bas c cc cob cpp cs cshtml fth f90 go h html java js jsp m pas php pl py sc sh sql ts xhtml)

for extension in ${extensions[@]}
  lines=`find . -name "*.$extension" -type f -exec cat {} \; | tr -d '[:blank:]' 2> /dev/null | grep -v '^$' | wc -l `
  if [ $lines -ne 0 ]
    echo $extension: $lines

Remote Connections

Computer on a Tree Stump

As a techie, I often need to connect to a variety of computers to accomplish my work. But as a small business owner, I enjoy the freedom to do my work from wherever I choose. How can you accomplish both? Remote connections! Through a variety of technologies, I am able to access the resources necessary to do my job from anywhere around the globe.


The simplest means to remotely connect to a computer is through Secure Shell – better known as SSH. SSH is a secure replacement for the much older (and insecure) telnet protocol. SSH uses public-key cryptography, so you can setup keys to connect to your server instead of a password. This makes connecting easier and more secure. SSH is a text-only connection type and is particularly well-suited for Linux machines. However, while SSH is a great tool for controlling a Linux server remotely, it doesn’t allow you to use resources on that server (or network) from your local machine. For example, if the remote server runs a website, you won’t be able to access that site via SSH.

SSH Tunnel

While SSH won’t allow you to access remote resources directly, you can turn options for tunneling. Tunneling will map local ports to remote ports so that your local computer can access resources on a remote computer. For example, if your remote server runs a MySQL server, you can setup an SSH tunnel to forward localhost:3306 to remotehost:3306. Then, you can setup your MySQL client to connect via your local machine. The SSH tunnel will then forward your requests to the local machine. I heavily use this technology for web sites on my development build server. For example, I run a Jenkins server on port 8080. I can SSH into my machine and create a tunnel to port 8080. This allows me to view my Jenkins web server from anywhere. I even have an Android application (JuiceSSH) that allows me to setup SSH tunneling from my phone. So, when I need to control a Jenkins build on the road, I connect via JuiceSSH and make the necessary changes.


Sometimes, a tunnel just isn’t enough. Maybe you need your computer appear to be on another network. Running my own business, I have some clients who allow me to access their systems – but they require me to connect from my office IP address. Since I like to travel – or work from home – I need a way to remotely connect to my network. A VPN is the perfect solution. I can access everything on my network, and I appear to be on that network by other systems. Unfortunately, a VPN is a little more complicated to setup. OpenVPN software is available to setup a server, but I have found it more difficult to setup than I would like. (When I did get it setup, I found it frequently locked up on my Linux server too.) So, I decided to buy a Netgear Nighthawk router. Their embedded VPN works great from Android, Mac, iOS, and Windows.

An added bonus of a VPN is that it can be used to secure your connection when you are using a public WiFi connection. Additionally, since you will appear to be at a particular IP address, you can access services that are only available from your geographical area. For example, web-based TV programs only available to users within a specific geographical area.


The ability to remotely access resources means you can work from any location in the world. You don’t need to be at your office. You can even access your home computer from work or from your phone. If you’re looking for an easy way to connect, look at SSH – it’s a simple and very effective way to access remote computers!

Text File Parsing

It’s no secret to anyone that I’m a Unix guy. I’ve worked on Unix-based systems for over 20 years now. If I’m forced to use a Windows machine, the first thing I do is install software to provide me a more Unix-like experience. I could give dozens of reasons why I love Unix such as programming environments, robust command line utilities, stability, etc. But one of the most useful to me is the ability to perform complex text manipulations from the command line. Parsing log files, editing text files on the fly, creating reports, all easy from a Unix command line. Of all the commands I use, some of my favorites are sed, tr, grep, and cut. With just those four commands I can make magic happen. For instance, today I had a configuration file for a git-o-lite server that I needed to use to generate a list of repositories from. I could open the file in a text editor and edit it… but that’s work. As a programmer, I program things so I don’t have to do trivial work. Besides, given the large number of repositories in the config file it would take too much time and be prone to error. Knowing the format of the config file, I opened up a command prompt and started stringing together commands to transform the data one step at a time.  At the end, I had a list of every repository nicely sorted alphabetically. This list could then be fed into another process that might perform some maintenance task on each repository or perform some other task. In the end, my command was a long string of small commands strung together.

cat gitolite.conf | grep 'repos/' | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr ' ' '\n' | tr -d ' ' | grep -v '^$' | grep -v '@' | grep 'repos' | sort

While it may look cryptic to the uninitiated, I’ll explain each command and why it was used. First, I used the cat file to display the contents of the config file for git-o-lite. The cat command is useful for displaying text data from a command prompt in Unix, and is almost always the starting point for any Unix text-processing. Next, the grep command is executed to find all lines containing the text ‘repos/’ which I know is the starting point for all the repository names in the configuration file. Grep is another commonly used Unix command that is used to search a file for a text string and display matching rows. Numerous versions of grep exist providing all kinds of advanced functionality, but basic grep is still the most commonly used. Now that I have all lines containing repository names, I can begin to process that list.  I start by using cut to remove the variable names. Since Git-o-lite allows variables to defined  (@var = value), and I only want the value, I will tell cut to split on the equal sign delimiter  (-d’=’) and give me only the second field (-f2). Since multiple repository names may be on a single line, I next need to split the data on the space so that each repository is on it’s own line. The tr command will translate one character to another. So, in this instance, I will change ‘ ‘ to ‘\n’ (\n is a newline character – like hitting the return key on the keyboard). Next, I delete any remaining spaces using using the -d flag for the tr command. At this point, my output contains empty lines which I want to remove. The -v argument for grep will remove lines containing the supplied search string. Here, the cryptic ‘^$’ is used where ^ is the beginning of the line and $ is the end of the line (these are standard grep patterns). Next, I run through a few more grep commands to cleanup the data and then pipe the content to the sort function. Now, I have my list of repositories ready for whatever follow on processing I want. Last step, copy the above commands to a shell script so that I don’t have to type all those commands in again.

Throughout my career, I have used the above process innumerable times. I can extract any manner of text data from a file quickly and easily simply by using a string of commands to incrementally transform the data to my desired output. If you are a programmer, and you’re not familiar with the above commands, you’re probably working too hard.

Counting Lines of Code

Often times, while writing software, it’s useful to know how many lines of code exist in a project. While this is a poor metric for gauging a developer’s output, it can be useful in getting a feel for the size of a project. It may also be useful in comparing different languages. For example, how much more concise is Kotlin than Java? Unfortunately, there are no built-in tools for doing this calculation. So, how can you easily count lines of code? I use a simple shell script – which will work on Linux or Mac, to count my code.


extensions=(bas c cc cob cpp cs fth f90 go h html java js jsp m pas php pl py sc sh sql xhtml)

for extension in ${extensions[@]}
  lines=`find . -name "*.$extension" -type f -exec cat {} \; | tr -d '[:blank:]' 2> /dev/null | grep -v '^$' | wc -l `
  if [ $lines -ne 0 ]
    echo $extension: $lines

You can add additional language support by adding the file extension to the extensions list. Then, run this script from the root directory for the project to see the code count.

Python Web Server

As a software developer, I often write HTML files or JavaScript code that I would like to see in my web browser. I could just open the file in my browser, but if I’m testing JavaScript I would rather run from a real server. I could start up an Apache server, or create an instance of NGINX using Docker. But both of those options require too much effort for simply testing an HTML file.  What I really want is just a command that will allow me to start an HTTP server in the folder where the HTML or JavaScript files are saved. Well, thanks to Python, such a option exists. Simply go to the directory where you want the server to run from and execute the command:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

This will start up a simple HTTP server running on port 8080. Now, point your web browser to localhost:8080 and you can see your web page! Nothing could be simpler for quick testing of web pages or websites!