Basics of Artificial Intelligence – V

Up to this point, we have talked about some of the fundamental algorithms for artificial intelligence and how they can be implemented in Java. Java is a great language for speed and wide usage in the software world. However, Java is not the only choice for implementing artificial intelligence. In this post, we will examine three of the most popular languages for creating artificial intelligence solutions.


Java is one of the most widely used computer programming languages available today. Since it’s development in the 90’s, Java has been widely used for web development as well as for creating cross-platform applications. Java runs in a virtual machine – the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Any computer that has an implementation of the JVM can run a Java program. Additional languages have been developed that are comparable with the JVM as well including Scala, Groovy, and Kotlin. Java is object oriented, compiled, and strongly typed. Compiled languages are fast, but strongly typed languages can be problematic in artificial intelligence as data structures must be well defined or generics implemented which can complicate code.


R is a statistical programming language used more by statisticians than computer programmers. It is designed to deal with matrices of data, and as such is very well suited for AI development. Additionally, R has a multitude of packages that can easily create graphs and charts to help analyze data dependencies. However, where R is lacking is in ease of use. Additionally, R isn’t as well suited for deploying AI applications – but rather for research.


Python has been around since the early 90’s. However, it’s mainstream use has only exploded during the last decade or so. Because of it’s simple syntax, Python has been widely embraced by people outside of the programming community – and in educational settings. Because of this, Python use has exploded for utilities, system administration tasks, automation, REST-based web services, and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, Python has excellent frameworks and tools for AI development. Of particular interest are Jupyter and SciKit Learn. These tools greatly simplify AI development, and allow developers to work on solving problems more quickly than Java and with substantially less setup and expertise.


While talking about AI languages, I must also mention MATLAB or, it’s open source alternative Octave. These platforms are incredibly popular in academic communities. However, MATLAB – and the associated toolkits – are expensive and far more difficult to use than Python. Additionally – like R – they don’t really create deployable solutions for customers. However, if you are a mathematician, you may find MATLAB more to your liking.


When I work on artificial intelligence code, I will often use R and Python. While I have been a Java developer for years, and have implemented various AI solutions using Java, I find it far more complicated than the alternatives. I often use R for analyzing correlation, creating charts, and performing statistical analysis of data using R Studio. Then, when it’s time to actually create the neural network, I will use Python and Jupyter.

If you prefer, AI frameworks are available – or can be created – for any other language. If you want the fastest solution, you may look into C libraries. If you want something that will run on a browser in a website, JavaScript may provide a better solution. In short, there are a variety of options for AI. However, for the novice, you’ll probably not find anything better than Python to get you started.

Basics of Artificial Intelligence – IV

Previously, we examined various functions that are used across a variety of artificial intelligence applications. Today, we’re looking at a specific algorithm. While not typically considered artificial intelligence, linear regression is the most basic means of allowing a computer to learn how to solve a problem. For linear regression, the user provides an array of input values as well as an array of expected output values. In algebra, these would be the x and y values of the equation respectively. Additionally, the user will need to provide a degree for the polynomial. This is the highest exponent for the x value in the equation. For example, a third degree polynomial would be ax^3 + bc^2 + cx + d.

Our first class will be the generic base class shared across all linear regression implementations. In this class, we define a method to calculate the score of a set of values as well as an abstract method to calculate the coefficients. NOTE: Referenced code is available for download from BitBucket.

import com.talixa.techlib.math.Polynomial;

public abstract class PolyFinder {
  protected float[] input;
  protected float[] idealOutput;
  protected float[] actualOutput;
  protected float[] bestCoefficients;
  protected int degree;
  public PolyFinder(float[] input, float[] idealOutput, int degree) {
    this.input = input;
    this.idealOutput = idealOutput;
    this.actualOutput = new float[idealOutput.length];
    this.bestCoefficients = new float[degree+1]; = degree;

  public abstract float[] getCoefficients(int maxIterations);
  protected float calculateScore(float[] coefficients) {
    // iterate through all input values and calculate the output
    // based on the generated polynomials
    for(int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
      actualOutput[i] = Polynomial.calculate(input[i], coefficients);

    // return the error of this set of coefficients
    return Errors.sumOfSquares(idealOutput, actualOutput);

Our next step is to create an actual implementation of code to get the coefficients. Multiple method are available, but we will look at the simplest – greedy random training. In greedy random training, the system will generate random values and keep the values with the lowest error score. It’s a trivial implementation and works well for low-order polynomials.

import java.util.Arrays;

public class PolyGreedy extends PolyFinder {
  private float minX;
  private float maxX;
  public PolyGreedy(float[] trainingInput, float[] idealOutput, int degree, float minX, float maxX) {
    super(trainingInput, idealOutput, degree);
    this.minX = minX;
    this.maxX = maxX;
  public float[] getCoefficients(int maxIterations) {
    // iterate through the coefficient generator maxIterations times
    for(int i = 0; i < maxIterations; ++i) {
    // return a copy of the best coefficients found
    return Arrays.copyOf(bestCoefficients, bestCoefficients.length);
  private void iterate() {
    // get score with current values
    float oldScore = calculateScore(bestCoefficients);
    // randomly determine new values
    float[] newCoefficients = new float[degree+1];
    for(int i = 0; i < (degree+1); ++i) {
      newCoefficients[i] = RandomLCG.getNextInt() % (maxX - minX) + minX;
    // test score with new values
    float newScore = calculateScore(newCoefficients);
    // determine if better match
    if (newScore < oldScore) {
      bestCoefficients = newCoefficients;

With the greedy random training, we define the min and max values for the parameters and then iterate over and over selecting random values for the equation. Each time a new value is created, it is compared with the current best score. If this score is better, it becomes the new winner. This algorithm can be run thousands of times to quickly create a set of coefficients to solve the equation.

For many datasets, this can create a workable answer within a short time. However, linear regression works best less complicated datasets were some relationship between the x and y values is known to exist. In cases of multiple input values where the relationship between variables is less clear, other algorithms may provide a better answer.

Basics of Artificial Intelligence – III

Some artificial intelligence algorithms like input values to be normalized. This means that all data is presented within a predefined range, typically either 0 to 1 or -1 to 1. Normalization algorithms take an array of input values and return an array of normalized values.

Denormalization is the opposite process. In denormalization, an input array of normalized values is presented and the original values are returned. Denormalization is useful when the output value of an AI algorithm is normalized. Since the normalized value is not in an expected range, the user must denormalize to determine the real number.

A simple example of number normalization is the Celsius temperature scale. All temperatures where water exists as a liquid exist between the values of 0 and 100. To normalize the temperature for an AI algorithm, I could simply divide each input by 100 to create an array of numbers between 0 and 1. When the output value is .17, the user would denormalize by multiplying by 100 to get a value of 17 degrees.

Of course, most normalization is not this simple, so we use algorithms to do the work.

public static float[] normalizeData(final float[] inputVector, final float minVal, final float maxVal) {
	float[] normalizedData = new float[inputVector.length];
	float dataRange = maxVal - minVal;
	for(int i = 0; i < inputVector.length; ++i) {
		float d = inputVector[i] - minVal;
		float percent = d / dataRange;
		float dnorm = NORMALIZE_RANGE * percent;
		float norm = NORMALIZE_LOW_VALUE + dnorm;
		normalizedData[i] = norm;
	return normalizedData;

Note that two constants are defined outside this function. The NORMALIZE_RANGE which is 2 when normalizing to the range of -1 to 1 and the NORMALIZE_RANGE is 1 if we are normalizing to a range of 0 to 1. Additionally, the NORMALIZE_LOW_VALUE is the low value for normalization, either -1 or 0.

In the above normalization function, the user provides an array of input values as well as a min and max value for normalization. Then, we create a new array to hold the normalized values. The code then iterates through each input value and creates the normalized value to add to the normalized data array to return to the user. The actual normalization takes the following steps:

  • subtract the minimum value from the input value
  • divide the output by the data range to determine a percentage
  • multiple the normalized range by the percent
  • Add the value to the normalized low value.

For a concrete example, consider normalizing degrees Fahrenheit. If we were to input an array of daily temperates, we might have [70, 75, 68]. For the normalization range, we would pick 32 and 212. Following the above steps for the first temperature:

  • 70 – 32 = 38
  • 38 / (212 – 32) = .21
  • 2 * .21 = .42
  • -1 + .42 = -.58

If we followed through with the other temperatures, we would end with an output array of [-.58, -.52, -.60]. To denormalize, the below denormalization function can be used. Note, you must use the same min and max values that you used in normalization or your denormalized output value will not be the same scale as your input values!

public static float[] denormalizeData(final float[] normalizedData, final float minVal, final float maxVal) {
	float[] denormalizedData = new float[normalizedData.length];
	float dataRange = maxVal - minVal;
	for(int i = 0; i < normalizedData.length; ++i) {
		float dist = normalizedData[i] - NORMALIZE_LOW_VALUE;
		float pct = dist / NORMALIZE_RANGE;
		float dnorm = pct * dataRange;
		denormalizedData[i] = dnorm + minVal;
	return denormalizedData;

This is the most basic normalization function. Other options may be to use the reciprocal of a number (but this only works for number greater than 1 or less than -1) or to use a Z-score.

Basics of Artificial Intelligence – II

Last week, we talked about distance calculations for Artificial Intelligence. Once you’ve learned how to calculate distance, you need to learn how to calculate an overall error for your algorithm. There are three main algorithms for error calculation. Sum of Squares, Mean Squared, and Root Mean Squared. They are all relatively simple, but are key to any Machine Learning algorithm. As an AI algorithm iterates over data time and time again, it will try to find a better solution than the previous iteration. A lower error score indicates a better answer and progress toward the best solution.

The error algorithms are similar to the distance algorithms. However, distance measures how far apart two points are whereas error measures how far the AI output answers are from the expected answers. The three algorithms below show how each error is calculated. Note that each one builds on the one before it. The sum of squares error is – as the name suggests – a summation of the square of the errors of each answer. Note that as the number of answers increases, the sum of squares value will too. Thus, to compare errors with different numbers of values, we need to divide by the number of items to get the mean squared error. Finally, if you want to have a number in a similar range to the original answer, you need to take the square root of the mean squared error.

public static float sumOfSquares(final float[] expected, final float[] actual) {
	float sum = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
		sum += Math.pow(expected[i] - actual[i], 2);
	return sum;
public static float meanSquared(final float[] expected, final float[] actual) {
	return sumOfSquares(expected, actual)/expected.length;

public static float rootMeanSquared(final float[] expected, final float[] actual) {
	return (float)Math.sqrt(meanSquared(expected,actual));