Angular is Awesome

Over the last six months, I have started doing a lot of Angular development. Initially, I was less than enthusiastic about the experience, but today it is probably my favorite technology. So, what makes Angular so great?

Angular provides a clean breakup of code, HTML, and CSS. Like MVC models for desktop or web applications, the Angular model ensures a clean separation of concerns allowing web designers to write HTML code while programmers handle the underlying logic.

Angular components are modular. I love this aspect of Angular development. I can create a cool widget in one application and easily use it in another application. This kind of modular approach reduces development times and allows for plug-and-play development of applications.

Angular applications run on the client side. As servers get more and more traffic, dealing with all the page requests can become burdensome for a web server. Running as much as possible on the client side not only improves user experience by improving speed, but also reduces load on your servers.

Angular applications use AJAX. This prevents full page reloads and just changes portions of the webpage based on user interaction. It looks slicker, feels better, and allows for all kinds of cool web experiences such as filtering and sorting data in a way that feels like a desktop application.

Angular applications easily consume REST services. This makes it easy to interact with countless services – whether homegrown or provided by a third party. Typically, REST services provide data in the form of JSON objects which need no manipulation to use in an Angular app. No parsing – just consume the data. It’s easy and convenient. Likewise, when sending data to JSON-based REST services, no translation is needed – just send the native JavaScript object to the server.

Angular can be used to create mobile applications. Ionic is a commonly used framework for creating hybrid mobile applications for both iOS and Android. Ionic provides an Angular framework as well as components to create awesome mobile applications.

Angular can use countless CSS frameworks. While not specific to Angular, I feel I would be negligent to not mention the amazing variety of CSS frameworks out there that can be used by Angular to create visually appealing web apps. Materialize CSS and Bootstrap are two of my favorites, but countless other libraries can be used allowing developers to create a beautiful experience for users.

If you’re not using Angular, you’re definitely missing out!


Recently, I was contacted by a company that does cryptocurrency to write smart contracts. I’ve never done this before, but I have no problem learning a new language – particularly for a blockchain technology. So what is a smart contract? Smart contracts are an amazing technology that allows you to run code on the blockchain.  Code is written in a language called Solidity, which is similar to Java or JavaScript. Once the code is written, it’s deployed to the blockchain where it can be called by others later. It’s similar to a cloud application, except the cloud is the blockchain instead. It’s always available because there are always machines mining cryptocurrency. Many sources are exclaiming how this kind of technology will change the world, and it’s easy to see why. The ability to write contracts in code that will later be triggered will be hugely impactful to banking, insurance, and countless other fields.

So what does Solidity code look line anyway? Here’s a simple Hello World app in solidity:

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract HelloWorld {
    event log_string(bytes32 log);
    function() public {
        emit log_string("Hello World!");

If you’re interested in learning more about Solidity, check out the MetaMask plugin for Chrome as well as the Remix IDE and find yourself a good online video for Solidity development. I feel confident that the future holds countless opportunities for developers who master this technology!

.Net Core 2.0 Woes

One of my favorite technologies is Microsoft’s .Net Core 2.0 framework. Some of the things I love are that it’s cross-platform, it has an excellent framework for interacting with databases, and their MVC model is straight forward to implement. However, with all that Microsoft has managed to accomplish, there are still some major shortcomings. (Before going forward, let me point out that I develop on a Mac using Visual Studio – so a native Windows user may have a different experience.) For example, while the Entity Framework is amazing – the support for stored procedures is less stellar. After days of searching for solutions, I finally came across a working answer. This is the biggest problem with .Net Core – lack of answers on the web. Or more properly, the lack of the right answer. Look up any question on how to do something using .Net Core and you’ll find a dozen different answers – none of which actually work. This problem was repeated over and over again. When I tried to store a simple session variable, I saw tutorial after tutorial – none of them worked. Next on the list is the NuGet package manager. As a Java user, I have grown accustomed to pulling libraries from a remote repository using Maven or Gradle – so I was happy to see similar functionality for .Net. The problem? It’s impossible to find what package contains the thing you’re looking for. Online code never includes the appropriate imports, so you’re left to guess as to what you need. This problem is exacerbated by the horrible idea of creating class extensions. Every package you import can add extensions to classes in other packages. This sounds great, but in reality it only complicates figuring out what to import. Last, the way you configure the web server is the worst I have ever seen – you configure it in code! Want to use a different port? Hard code it. Need to run the app in a subdirectory? Hard code it. Need to setup database support? Hard code it. So, as the app goes from machine to machine it actually has to be rewritten to support the configuration required on the new server. I have seen various examples of how to use configuration files to accomplish this, but like everything else the documentation is poor and inconsistent at best. In the end, while I do love what Microsoft has accomplished with .Net Core 2.0 and their MVC framework, it still has a long way to go before I would consider it to be able to seriously complete with more mature frameworks.

Requirements Analysis

One of the most important skills for a developer is the ability to analyze requirements and determine the most appropriate solution. For many developers, this means they will determine the best suite of tools that fits within their preferred development environment. For example, a Java developer may decide if JDBC or JPA is a better option for connecting to their database. Note, it was already assumed that the application would be written in Java – other options like C# or PHP were ignored because the developer making the choice was a Java developer. The problem is that there may be better options depending on the requirements of the project. For example, I am currently working on a mobile project that uses a JavaScript framework. One of the requirements of the app is to create a  fairly detailed PDF document. This document was created using pdfmake – an excellent toolkit for making PDF documents based on a simple configuration file. However, as the project grew, it was requested to have a web service written that would be given the configuration, generate the PDF, and send an email. What server language would I use? I could use Java – but do I want to rewrite the entire PDF generator in a new language? Absolutely not. What else could work? In the end, I opted to use a Node.js solution. Why? Because it would be utterly trivial to use the existing JavaScript PDF code within a Node application. In fact, I managed to write all the necessary functionality in a single file with less than 100 lines of code. Had I selected Java, it would have easily grown into several dozen file, hundreds of lines of code, and substantially more billable hours.

Unfortunately, technology decisions are made every single day by organizations that insist on a language or framework before the requirements are even known. Better options may exist, but lack of knowledge of competing technologies prevents their selection. In the end, projects take longer to develop, cost more, and become increasingly difficult to maintain. Certainly no developer can be an expert in every technology, but any more senior developer should be able to provide a variety of competing solutions to any problem as well as indicate the pros and cons of each. When the best technology is selected, projects come in ahead of schedule and under budget. Time-to-market is decreased, maintenance costs are minimized, and – in the end – the organization benefits.

Text File Parsing

It’s no secret to anyone that I’m a Unix guy. I’ve worked on Unix-based systems for over 20 years now. If I’m forced to use a Windows machine, the first thing I do is install software to provide me a more Unix-like experience. I could give dozens of reasons why I love Unix such as programming environments, robust command line utilities, stability, etc. But one of the most useful to me is the ability to perform complex text manipulations from the command line. Parsing log files, editing text files on the fly, creating reports, all easy from a Unix command line. Of all the commands I use, some of my favorites are sed, tr, grep, and cut. With just those four commands I can make magic happen. For instance, today I had a configuration file for a git-o-lite server that I needed to use to generate a list of repositories from. I could open the file in a text editor and edit it… but that’s work. As a programmer, I program things so I don’t have to do trivial work. Besides, given the large number of repositories in the config file it would take too much time and be prone to error. Knowing the format of the config file, I opened up a command prompt and started stringing together commands to transform the data one step at a time.  At the end, I had a list of every repository nicely sorted alphabetically. This list could then be fed into another process that might perform some maintenance task on each repository or perform some other task. In the end, my command was a long string of small commands strung together.

cat gitolite.conf | grep 'repos/' | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr ' ' '\n' | tr -d ' ' | grep -v '^$' | grep -v '@' | grep 'repos' | sort

While it may look cryptic to the uninitiated, I’ll explain each command and why it was used. First, I used the cat file to display the contents of the config file for git-o-lite. The cat command is useful for displaying text data from a command prompt in Unix, and is almost always the starting point for any Unix text-processing. Next, the grep command is executed to find all lines containing the text ‘repos/’ which I know is the starting point for all the repository names in the configuration file. Grep is another commonly used Unix command that is used to search a file for a text string and display matching rows. Numerous versions of grep exist providing all kinds of advanced functionality, but basic grep is still the most commonly used. Now that I have all lines containing repository names, I can begin to process that list.  I start by using cut to remove the variable names. Since Git-o-lite allows variables to defined  (@var = value), and I only want the value, I will tell cut to split on the equal sign delimiter  (-d’=’) and give me only the second field (-f2). Since multiple repository names may be on a single line, I next need to split the data on the space so that each repository is on it’s own line. The tr command will translate one character to another. So, in this instance, I will change ‘ ‘ to ‘\n’ (\n is a newline character – like hitting the return key on the keyboard). Next, I delete any remaining spaces using using the -d flag for the tr command. At this point, my output contains empty lines which I want to remove. The -v argument for grep will remove lines containing the supplied search string. Here, the cryptic ‘^$’ is used where ^ is the beginning of the line and $ is the end of the line (these are standard grep patterns). Next, I run through a few more grep commands to cleanup the data and then pipe the content to the sort function. Now, I have my list of repositories ready for whatever follow on processing I want. Last step, copy the above commands to a shell script so that I don’t have to type all those commands in again.

Throughout my career, I have used the above process innumerable times. I can extract any manner of text data from a file quickly and easily simply by using a string of commands to incrementally transform the data to my desired output. If you are a programmer, and you’re not familiar with the above commands, you’re probably working too hard.

Professor Qualifications

Bruce Lee

I recently saw a job post for a computer programming instructor. The post required that the applicant have a masters degree as well as four years of professional experience. I was a little shocked by this. Does four years of experience in programming really qualify someone to teach others? To become a Master Electrician in New York takes a minimum of 7 and a half years of experience. To become a Master instructor in Taekwondo can easily take more than 10 years in most organizations. Mastery of most tasks takes a substantial amount of time – and programming is no different. To make it more difficult, programming projects tend to be long-term – often taking a year or more just for the initial release. This means that during a four year term of employment with a company, a programmer may only actually work on a very small number of projects. When I think of a teacher, I think of someone with a breadth and depth of knowledge on the task. Someone who has mastered all tasks associated with the subject they are teaching. But after four years, I don’t believe that any programmer could be said to be a master. In fact, in most organizations, titles like senior engineer would be reserved for developers with far more than four years of experience. Why does any of this matter? It matters because it shows part of the problem we have finding qualified programmers to fill positions. After all, how can we expect students coming out of our universities to have any meaningful skill in development if their instructors never ascended above the rank of junior developer? How can someone who never made any meaningful contributions to the architecture of an application mentor others on how to do so? Instructors should be those most qualified among our engineers who have spent decades writing code – men and women who can tell you about several languages, talk about the evolution of programming through their own personal experience, and talk about how they solved a wide variety of problems. Instructors should have a portfolio of applications and organizations they have impacted and understand software engineering, computer architecture, and all aspects of the software development lifecycle. If we settle for less in our teachers we are setting our students up for failure and ensuring that we will continue to see more tech jobs outsourced to countries that can do a better job educating the next generation of developers.

Counting Lines of Code

Often times, while writing software, it’s useful to know how many lines of code exist in a project. While this is a poor metric for gauging a developer’s output, it can be useful in getting a feel for the size of a project. It may also be useful in comparing different languages. For example, how much more concise is Kotlin than Java? Unfortunately, there are no built-in tools for doing this calculation. So, how can you easily count lines of code? I use a simple shell script – which will work on Linux or Mac, to count my code.


extensions=(bas c cc cob cpp cs fth f90 go h html java js jsp m pas php pl py sc sh sql xhtml)

for extension in ${extensions[@]}
  lines=`find . -name "*.$extension" -type f -exec cat {} \; | tr -d '[:blank:]' 2> /dev/null | grep -v '^$' | wc -l `
  if [ $lines -ne 0 ]
    echo $extension: $lines

You can add additional language support by adding the file extension to the extensions list. Then, run this script from the root directory for the project to see the code count.

Bad Teachers

Today, more and more tech realms require a bit of programming knowledge. If you’re a QA, you may be writing test cases in Python or Java. If you’re engaged in Devops, you may be writing scripts or code for automation or other tasks. If you’re a hardware hacker, you may be writing C++ code for an Arduino board or Python for interacting with GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately, most of the code written by QAs, devops teams, and hardware hackers is not up to the standards of good software engineering. Indeed, all of the above fields are more software hackers than real engineers in the software realm. What that means, is that when you view tutorials or documentation created by people skilled in areas outside of software engineering, that you’re likely learning poor coding standards. Of course, it’s seems hardly fair to hold QAs to the same standards as you do software engineers. But the problem comes later when the QAs say “I know Java.” Or when the hardware hacker says “I can program in C++.” Now, you end up with bad code entering your codebase because of untrained developers. I want to be clear – my point is not to discourage QAs and devops teams from programming. But rather to encourage developers to assist programmers in these fields to adopt proper coding standards. Treat there code with the same scrutiny you would a developer – subject it to code reviews, and demand proper coding standards. Otherwise, the same problems that plague software projects will end up causing problems in your devops environment or your QA testbed. Don’t assume that a QA can program in Java because they’ve written some test cases. After all, you wouldn’t trust me to replace the engine in your car just because I’ve changed the spark plugs in mine.

Coding Standards


When I look at code developed by other developers, one of the things I first notice is if the code follows standard coding conventions. For some languages, like Java, coding conventions are very standardized. For other languages, it’s a free-for-all. However, few things are more important to the readability of code than standard coding conventions. Image, for a moment, how important conventions are when reading a book. Capital letters start sentences, periods end sentences, and rules of grammar dictate the order of words. Similar conventions apply to code – variable names, function names, class names, spaces between symbols, etc. Why is this so important? Because when you look at someone else’s code, you expect to be able to read and follow the code. If the writer is using different conventions, it takes longer to read and understand the code. Then, if you edit the code using your own conventions, the code quickly becomes unreadable as every developer uses their own standards for different pieces. Ultimately, you should never be able to tell who wrote a piece of code since everyone should be following the same rules. And when everyone follows the same rules, developers can more quickly find and diagnose bugs as well as add new features. When I work with new developers, coding standards are among the first things I drive home!

What is Refactoring?

To me, refactoring is one of the most important parts of the software development lifecycle. Most developers are familiar with the idea of refactoring, but customers and managers may not be.  So, what is refactoring and what value does it bring to the development process? Refactoring is the process of going through code and redesigning, updating, and fixing with the intent of improving the code. This can encompass a lot of different improvements. For example, a developer may find that certain blocks of code are repeated over and over again. Repeated code can cause all kinds of problems. At the very least it increases the size of the application needlessly, but on the more problematic size, it also decreases maintainability of the application. For example, if a code block is repeated 8 times, and the required logic for that code must change, the code will need to be replaced in 8 different places. Chances are good that developers will only find 7 and you’ll spend months trying to figure out where the problem is. Other common tasks involve redesigning to make the application cleaner, removing unnecessary code, and all sorts of things to generally improve the codebase. Why is this important, and what is the benefit to the organization? Without refactoring, code tends to become messy. Each new developer adds something new, code is duplicated, paradigms change, data models are updated, technologies are improved, etc. As these things happen, the application becomes increasingly difficult for developers to follow. Additionally, bugs increase, the size of the code increase, and things run less than optimally. In the end, refactoring is kind of like getting a tuneup on your car. As a good developer, I am always looking for ways to improve the code so that future developers will have an easier time maintaining the application. It’s incredibly important and should be a priority not only for developers but for management and customers as well.